since everyone has posted new year resolutions.. here's mine too.
2007 resolutions
study REAL hard(mugger) [apologies in advance juz in case i really do become one and end up drifting apart from all of you]
juggle my time well between trainings, physio, school and studies
complete every subject tutorials [and be a good girl]
resist temptations whatever form they may come in [fully concentrate on studying]
cut down on internet usage
back on TRACK by march [runrun as fast as you can, you cant catch me cuz i'm the nutty nutty NAT]
-probable dreams-
revamp my room, buy new bed
change my diet to salads and potato salads (:
work and earn my own spendature(yearend)
learn to drive(yearend)
oh and did i say what my bachelorette dream was like? nahhhhh.. shan't tell you!! hrmph =P
to live in a condo and design my own room with style. workout every night and juz soak in the elegance of home.
rahhhhhhhhhhhh (:
judith took you down memory lane.. and i shan't. everyone had personal notes to everyone else.. but i guess i wouldn't do that.. one thing iz my memory's really poor.. and the other thing iz that sooooo many things have happened throughout this 2006 and everyone has a part to play to make my 2006 a brighter place to be in.. from my clique to my seniors both in track and in alpha and even from my ahs seniors in TJ to my juniors in ahs. and not forgetting all my friends in TJ not juz in my clique.. juz everyone who knows me. i wouldn't have brought you joys if you guys hadn't allowed me to (: and sorry if i made you life bleak with emoness!! but without that, i wouldn't have known how much you guys really do care for me. even to making me potato salad(right jud?)!! (: yays. from the messages to the hugs and smiles and craziness and singing. you guys juz ROCK my world. and not forgetting to juz being there and listening to me ramble on(right jon?).. great. i tink my train of thoughts juz stopped suddenly. but whatever. thank you to everyone for being part of my 2006. and my cell group too.
and after so much i tink i'll juz write a personal note or two for you (:
judith (:
for always going crazy with me and for making me happy. my runner buddy and i'm VERY proud of you.. i'll be back on track with you and lucky heights ya!! (: we gonna train together and conquer 2.4!!! (: and whatever your little head tells you, you're fast and you know it. too fast too furious with smiley faces on your wrists! oh.. and did i tell you, you were my first connection into TJ05/06 and you. were the one that kept my going through my appeal into TJC (: ohoh.. and even during my roadshow back in ahs? i mentioned meeting friends like youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! (:
jonathan one jun jie (:
for juz listening and being the biggy brother for me(even though you're younger than me but whatever).. it's always good to have someone to confide with and i'm glad i put my trust in you and poured it all out to you! (: and i'm really glad to have been there for you juz as you've been there for me. and 2007 will be great. i'll miss you like NUTS! (: no matter wad you're still my Mr.Titans (:
chuanli chunli chuanchuan (:
for being that lame guy who like always helping me with whatever help i need. from like offering his ear to juz letting me scream into his ear x) waha!! it has been fun crapping with you and now it's time to tone down and mug together ya!! =P well.. and always not forgetting to include me in everything (: ohoh.. and for not psing me during camp!!! you rock my smelly socks!! oh and i will NEVER forget you didn't know i was your classmate at first =P
carol carol caroLINE (:
for silently being there to suddenly pop by with messages to cheer me up somehow whenever i'm down and needed something like that to put a smile and streak of brightness back into my life. you never know how much a simple little act from you can cause my upside-down world to be right-side up (:
rerayraeeeeeeeeee (:
surprising to be able to meet my dad's childhood friend and my granny's long time friend and now you my little friend :D well! what more do i have to say!! maybe you can be my kid's godma!!! rock on arty factory! let your art juices flowwwwwwwwwwww (: [did i ever said i wanted to be arty like you and jud?]
shushushaking!!!!! (:
waha! well.. this iz not going to be about all the thingys in your head that everyone remembers you of.. but this iz going to be more of thanks!! for being such a friend (: i'm telling you you're lucky cuz i'm really happy for you.. although i'm always lagging behind and sometimes whenever i go shopping with you all i dunno wad you all are talking about.. but i always believed that ya!! you're lucky!! okay i'm talking crap i dunno wad i'm talking about!! but yaaaaaaa.. i like your mushroom head (: and i like the way you're mature about things and sensitive bout things that need be (:
kenneth starfish kenneth starfishhy (:
fellow sports appeal student (: i still rem my daddy sending you home! waha! thanks for the great times spent. and yupp!! 2007 would be a year where your new year resoultions will stand and you'll shine (: go mr.eleven! if it's worth fighting for go for it.
melly junjun (:
geex. i realised i didn't really get to spend much time with you two.. but i rem spamming your notebooks during pw lecture with smiley faces!!! x) whatever it iz thanks (: for everything.
jazreeeeeeeeeeel!!!!! (:
for being the BEST friend one can ever ask for. though we may have drifted and yet pulled together repeatedly, it's always good to know you'll always be there for me (: certain things i may not have shared certain things you may not have shared. but whatever it iz, i'm really glad this friendship withstood the test of time and obstacles and ya. to greater heights!! (: study hard k! no obstable iz too hard, no wall iz too high for you to overcome. and i mean it (:
serene tay shilinglingling (:
TWIN!!! (: my twin and the one who pestered me to stay in the appeal and in TJtrack!! (: thanks for being my twin and understanding me all these while. from my attitudes to my sadness and to my happiness. we've shared it all.. and i know for sure, 2007 will be a stronger year for you. physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually (:
arvin the rockatang (:
for cheering me up. on your guitar. on your voice. you've been a great senior and i've never regretted knowing you! (: i wanna be as fast as you, wanna jump as high as you, wanna sprawl the walls the way you do!! (: my motivation
jinxy (:
you still owe me a movie and my record breaking training!!! :D
my cell group (:
for being my =) family!!!!!!
brother ken for always understanding somehow or another, trying your best to help me.
david for being the bridge between the cell and me when i first came back into this family.
ben for being my tagboard to spam x)
and many others more....
my family (:
for being there for me every step during my op.
to my grandpa for always being supportive for every action i do, even every anger/temper/upsetness i create.. juz a pat on my shoulder and i felt your warmth. seriously (:
to my grandma who's the nutritionist (: cooking yummy food for me even those nourishing ones during my op.. and helping me with my baking too!
to my daddy for driving me to and fro and for juz silently being that old bean (:
to my mummy for always cheering me up, taking me out and enjoying every moment with me (: always my hand to hold and my arm to cling on (:
to nad for being the joy of my life (: i love you to bits and i wish i could bite you more x)
everyone else who've been there and done that (:
you guys rock my world.. and my world would never have been whole without each and every one of you (:
and how can i forget huh..
benjamin tay kai long!!! :D
thanks for being that great friend you've always been (: for being there pre op, during op, and post op. showing compassion and sharing my pain with me.. and i'll never forget how you rejoiced with me with every improvement after my op (: you've been a pillar of strength and a pillar of support. for my bites, pokes, punch =P!!!!! (: and for your never failing patience no matter how short they're suppose to be. thanks for the wonderful 2006 =) it was a bitter sweet end indeed to this 2006.. and i've indeed learnt to hold on to those memories that are mine to keep and let go of everything else that's not meant to belong to me, and that includes you.
the end (:
*throbs @01:40 <3
There .
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